
Showing posts from January, 2022

Virtues found in zakat and sadaqah.

 This is my group's topic for the recorded presentation. Still, I will provide an infographic that I've been done for and a short brief.  The first point is sadaqah and zakat can remove our sins. Our past sins. The more we do sadaqah, charity, or zakat, the more our sins will be removed.  The second point is amr ma'ruf nahi Munkar. Sadaqah and zakat can help us to ease hardship and prevent evil.  The third point is sadaqah or zakat can help other people. The sadaqah we give will make people at ease and it's a good thing to help others.  The last point is sadaqah and zakat can be our shade on the day of judgment. On the day of judgment, the sun will be right above our head and of course, everyone wants to protect from the burning of the sun by shade. Sadaqah and zakat is one of the ways to get shade on the day of judgment.

Fifth Usrah

 For the fifth usrah, we do a task which made an infographic for another group topic. And the topic is virtues found in salah with khusyu, in sawm, and fasting.  The virtues found in salah with khusyu are, jihad to fight satan during salah, al-ta'ah which is when the heart is humbly submissive, the body part will follow. Other than that, muhasabah which means khusyu helps to remind of the purpose of life and brings a good attitude and character. Khusyu also helps to not be arrogant.  The virtues found in sawm are, sabr from drinking, eating and do sinful things. Other than that, takrim which respect others and always mind our words. Lastly is rahmah which means strengthening the bonding with others.  The virtues found in fasting are, becoming empathetic to others, the gate of Paradise is opened, there is lailatul qadr, the angel asking Allah to forgive those who are fasting, and fasting provides more time for ibadah.  

Role Play Recorded Presentation

 This task is also group work. And my group (Haura Jannah) has to record a presentation for our topic which is the virtues found in zakat and sadaqah.   Here I attached the link for the recorded presentation so anyone can watch it.

Haura Jannah : Salah

 This is group work and I and my group members make an infographic to explain shortly about Salah.  The first point is the condition of Salah. There are six conditions which are, niyyah, facing the Qibla, time of prayers, cover the aurah, wudu, purity of body, clothes, and the spot for Salah.  The second point is the pillars of Salah. There are two pillars which are standing up and takbiratul ihram.  The last point in this group work is the sunnah of Salah. Firstly, rise hand before or after takbiratul ihram. Secondly, the right hand over the left hand in the chest. Thirdly, look at the place of your prostration. 

First task

Image These two YouTube links give a lot of new knowledge. Here I attach my work on my understanding from the videos.  To explain more about my understanding of these videos, we have to work with ihsan to make our works perfect. We have to do our jobs, and our work perfectly no matter what position we have or what power we get. We have to be good, be humble hardworking on our work because Allah is always watching us. Our job is Amanah that given by Allah to do good and always remember Him that Allah is the God that provides us Rizq from the job. That's why we have to do work by Ihsan.  In the second video about doing anything just because of Allah, we have to do good and be good to others. Anything we did mist with the intention just because of Allah. We can't expect any return from humans but only from Allah. We should do something that good for our own sake that we can expect a reward from Allah. 

About Me

 My name is Rojaa Aziiah Binti Yabainus. Currently, majoring in Usul Al-Din and Comparative Religions at International Islamic University Malaysia. Born on 24th April 2001.  I have a few interesting hobbies such as baking, collecting Malaysian old money, and foreign money, playing games, and many more. I like my hobbies so much and hardly try to make one of my hobbies my occupation. I don't have a clear ambition or what to be in the future, but what I want is to make what I like a source of income.  In this writing, I want to share a few quotes that I like and give a big impact on my daily life. One of them is, "it's okay if you messed up, cause this is how we get wiser". Other than that, " believe in the magic of beginning". The most liked quote is, "be wild, but stay soft".  My advice for those reading this writing is don't care about what people will say, don't be afraid of judgment because it helps us to be stronger, wilder, and wiser. ...